Bloom Day – February 2023

Published on February 16 2023

Winter has been average to mild so far in Zurich, Switzerland (hardiness zone 7b). We had a harsh cold snap in December with low temperatures around -8C/18F. After that it fluctuated between mild and cold weather, two times it got down to -6 or -5C (21-23F). Right now the weather is very pleasant, mild, sunny and dry. Ideal conditions to be in the garden, but I'm really busy and haven't had much time. So, it's only a quick look at what's in bloom for this month's Bloom Day.
Garden Bloggers‘ Bloom Day is a monthly blogging series, with people from all over the world featuring the flowers in their gardens. Go over and check out the other participants‘ blooming spectacles at Carol's May Dreams Gardens.

Some cheerful Crocus matching the sunny weather. This is probably Crocus chrysanthus 'Romance' (bought as C. 'Cream Beauty').

The yellow witch hazel has started to bloom. No scent, but the color of this unknown Hamamelis cultivar is wonderful.

Hamamelis 'Rochester' is still flowering. It is one of the earliest flowering Hamamelis cultivars, and also one of the strongest smelling ones, with a lovely scent of green tea and rose water.

Multiple Sarcococca species are in bloom in my garden. This is Sarcococca confusa, a very reliable one with a good scent.

Sarcococca hookeriana var. digyna is the latest blooming species in garden, it is only now starting to open its flowers. It has yellow stems and nice lanceolate leaves.

Other plants that are blooming right now are Grevilleas, Hellebores, Snowdrops, Primulas, Viburnums and Ribes laurifolium.

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