Garden Bloggers‘ Bloom Day – November 2021

Published on November 16 2021

Hello everyone! New blog, who dis? I have been blogging on Wordpress since 10 years, inconsistently and mostly for my own record keeping. Recently, there have been some big changes on Wordpress which made it harder for me to blog. Additionally, I used up the free storage space on there. So it was time to move on. I'm mostly on Instagram now anyways, but I still wanted to participate in the awesome Garden Bloggers‘ Bloom Day meme. It really helps me to keep record of my garden's development. With no further ado, let's look at how the past month has been. In my zone 7b garden in Zurich, Switzerland, we haven't had any hard frosts, yet. But October and November have been rather cold with temperatures ranging between 2°C-10°C (35F-50F). Like last year around this time, the garden has been in stasis.
With Garden Bloggers‘ Bloom Day, a monthly blogging series, people from all over the world are featuring the blooms in their gardens. Go over and check out the other participants‘ blooming spectacles at May Dreams Gardens.

Let's take a look at the blooms in the garden:

First up is an Erodium that I bought as Erodium guttatum, but that I think that I.D. is wrong. Nonetheless lovely, it puts out blooms throughout summer and fall. The foliage above belongs to Hebe macrantha.

This individual bloom of Grevillea victoriae has been open like this for a whole month!

None of the other Grevillea blooms have opened yet. But the buds look beautiful anyway. This picture is showing the cultivar Grevillea victoriae 'Murray Valley Queen'. The fall foliage in the back is provided by Cornus 'Norman Hadden'.

Last blooms of Gomphostigma virgatum.

This Gaura 'Gaudi Rose' seedling is blooming too.

Considering the cold weather, the blooms of Heuchera 'Frosty Night' look still great. It apparently really doesn't mind a frosty night or two.

Lovely purple Linaria purpurea.

It's the month of Mahonias, it seems. All of them are blooming right now. The first one is Mahonia 'Soft Caress'.

Mahonia 'Winter Sun' blooms big.

Mahonia 'Sweet Winter'.

There are still blooms on Osmanthus x fortunei 'San Jose'

Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Sasaba' hasn't made it for last Bloom Day, but it's blooming now.

Arbutus unedo 'Atlantic' gets a bit spotty in my climate, but I actually like the look.

Haplopappus glutinosus, an evergreen subshrub from the Andes.

Such an outrageous color on Hebe 'Dave'.

A few blooms are left on Phygelius 'Cherry Ripe'. The spiky foliage is Hakea epiglottis.

Tiny, star-shaped blooms on Epacris petrophila.

Cool looking Calendula bloom. No idea why it looks like this.

Sphaeralcea 'Childerley' with gorgeous foliage and a few last blooms.

Wet and sad blooms of Zauschneria 'Olbrich Silver'.

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